Just about to give up?
Please do not despair. There are various organizations out there to help you recover, if you are considering taking your own life.
In the UK, about 6,000 individuals commit suicide every year. The actual number may be even higher, because when authorities cannot establish an intention for the deceased individual to take his/her own life, they simply register the death as “accidental”. Each year on November 18, The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention facilitates the International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day that brings together individuals from all over the world, who lost their loved ones. Through local community events, people meet to reflect on their grief and share their experiences.
The day not only throws some light on individuals affected by suicide loss, it is also a reminder to unhappy people struggling to find an incentive to keep living that there are organizations, volunteers, fellows and resources out there to help. If you live in the UK and you need a helping hand, here is where you can turn to:
Samaritans: This volunteer-driven organization is available 24 hours a day all year to offer emotional support to individuals, who are struggling to cope. If you call 116 123, they will listen to your troubles and try to discuss your options. If you do not feel up for calling, you can either send an email to jo@samaritans.org, write a letter to Freepost RSRB-KKBY-CYJK, PO Box 9090, STIRLING, FK8 2SA or visit your local Samaritans branch.
Papyrus: Prevention of young suicide is a national charity organization that offers confidential support and works to empower young people with means to response to suicidal thoughts. They offer professional advisors to talk to you, if you are young and contemplates suicide. Ring on their HOPELineUK 0800 068 4141. Again, if phoning is not optimal for you, you can send a text to 07786 209 697 or email pat@papyrus-uk.org.
SupportLine: Whether you experience emotional distress because of bullying, abuse, traumas, divorce, anxiety, addictions etc., this hotline will offer non-judgmental emotional support. Call them on 01708765200.
Other useful resources are: breathingspace.scot, callhelpline.org.uk and maytree.org.uk.