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Meet 11 celebrities who suffered from stress, anxiety and depression

Do you think you are the only one struggling with anxiety, depression, stress and other mental health issues? Think again. Here are 11 celebrities, who also got some issues.

Nicole Scherzinger - singer

X-factor is on with Nicole Scherzinger in one of the judges seats. Nicole’s career kickstarted as a lead singer in the pop girls group, The Pussycat Dolls. Back in 2014, the American singer experienced bulimia - eating disorder - behind the scenes.

“I had started losing my voice, I couldn’t sing at shows, and then I remember my manager finding me passed out on the floor in Malta or in the south of France,” the Hawaiian born singer told British Cosmopolitan in 2014.

Nicole Scherzinger. Instagram.

Prince Harry

The youngest of the two princes revealed this year that he also got some issues. Prince Harry: “shut down all emotions” for almost two decades after losing his mother, Diana, Princess of Wales, he told the Telegraph earlier this year.

The Prince first dealt with his grief in an age of 28 age, when he felt: “on the verge of punching someone” and facing anxiety during royal engagements.

You can see both Prince Harry and Prince William talk about their grief in the video below:

Selena Gomez - singer

The american singer cancelled the remainder of her Revival World tour in 2016 to seek counsil for anxiety and depression.

“My self-esteem was shot. I was depressed, anxious. I started to have panic attacks right before getting onstage, or right after leaving the stage. Basically I felt I wasn't good enough, wasn't capable. I felt I wasn't giving my fans anything, and they could see it—which, I think, was a complete distortion." she told Vogue earlier this year.

Selena Gomez. Official.

Aaron Lennon - football player

The Everton winger was detained under the Mental Health Act in May this year, after he was found beside a busy motorway. According to Everton he suffered from a high level of stress.

After a couple of weeks outside the pitch, Lennon returned to the pitch this season. So far he has made four appearances for Everton this season.


“It’s important for me to emphasise that there is amazing help out there and anyone feeling anything out of the ordinary should seek support because it’s great and good to talk.” he told the Sun in July after his recovery.

*UK’s Mental Health Act regards persons with mental health issues rights, but also allows the authorities to detain people with severe conditions. Read more here

Aaron Lennon. Official.

Catherine Zeta-Jones - actress

Catherine Zeta-Jones was admitted to an rehabilitation center in 2012 suffering from manic depression. At the same time, her husband, fellow actor Michael Douglas, was recovering from throat cancer.

“I’m not the kind of person who likes to shout out my personal issues from the rooftops but, with my bipolar becoming public, I hope fellow sufferers will know it is completely controllable,” the Welsh actress told US InStyle magazine.

Jim Carrey - actor

After watching Dumb and Dumber, Ace Ventura, Liar Liar, Bruce Almighty, etc. it is hard to imagine Jim Carrey being depressed. However, the American actor has struggled with depression many times during his life. At one point he got addicted to the antidepressant medicine, Prozac.

"I was on Prozac for a long time. It may have helped me out of a jam for a little bit, but people stay on it forever. I had to get off at a certain point because I realized that, you know, everything's just OK," Carrey told CBS back in 2004.

Adele - singer

The British singer revealed in 2016 that she has a post natal depression after giving birth to her son, Angelo. Adele felt like she had made "the worst decision of my life", she told the Telegraph.

"My knowledge of postpartum-or post-natal, as we call it in England-is that you don't want to be with your child; you're worried you might hurt your child; you're worried you weren't doing a good job,” she told Vanity Fair in 2016.

Michael Phelps - swimmer

The 23-time Olympic gold medallist swimmer, Michael Phelps, has also struggled with depression in parts of his life. The elite swimmer admitted himself into rehab in 2014 after being arrested for drunk driving.

JK Rowling - author

The British Harry Potter author revealed in 2008 that she have suffered from depression and at some point contemplated suicide in the early 1990. Back then she lived in a small Edinburgh flat with her baby daughter, Jessica.

“Mid-twenties life circumstances were poor and I really plummeted.” she told the Telegraph in 2008.

"The thing that made me go for help was probably my daughter. She was something that earthed me, grounded me, and I thought, this isn't right, this can't be right, she cannot grow up with me in this state.”

Beyonce - singer

Beyoncé has throughout her smashing career also experienced difficult times of darkness and depression.

“I had hate websites, and a lot of pressure, and people blaming everything on me. I was seventeen, eighteen years old, just an innocent person, a kid. That was a hard time for me. My father is my manager and my mother is the stylist, so I felt it was my whole life, and people were saying all these horrible things. I felt that my life was being crushed” Beyoncé told The Best You magazine in July this year.

Kendall Jenner - model + reality star

The American model and reality star revealed in her 2016 "peaks and pits", that she have started to experience anxiety. "Anxiety was a huge hurdle for me to deal with this past year (and security concerns didn't help), but I think I'm finally learning how to cope," Kendall wrote.

The 21-year old ‘Keeping up with the Kardashians’-star also revealed in 2016 that she suffers from sleep paralysis; a condition where you wake up in the middle of the night unable to move.

Do you know about other celebrities that have talked publicly about their issues? Let us know!

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